Wednesday, July 28, 2010

You Amaze me

Dear Ayden,

You are just one week shy of 18mos and I have to tell you, you simply amaze me.  Every moment I spend with you I am in aww. In aww at your compassion, at your comprehension, at your communication, at the way you view the world, at your focus. and always at your cuteness.

In the past two months you have learned and mastered so much, I often wonder how your dad and I will ever keep up!

You know all your colors (but for some reason refuse to actually say 'orange').  In fact you are so tuned into colors, it is sometimes hard to get you to see past the color of something to the actual object!

You are now able to place all the different shaped blocks into their correct places on the box without prompting.  Sometimes while watching you I picture you are in a chess match and should quickly tap the clock when your done.  You are so efficient!

You not only understand the word No, but use it correctly and in fact listen when we ask you not to do something.  A trait I pray won't change, but suspect it most definitely will.

Your memory simply flabbergasts me. I don't know what else to say here besides it looks like I may finally have some serious competition in the Memory card  game =)

You know your animal sounds and one day soon I will catch you on tape doing a monkey cause that cuteness must be memorialized.

You understand the concept of mine and yours. I'm sure this will soon become just mine...but at least I can find comfort in the idea that you once understood and hopefully will again soon.

You kick the soccerball around.  And I mean actually kick it! It is hard to get kids 4 times your age to stop using their hands!

You LOVE to read books, both to yourself and with someone.

You thrive on playing with mom and dad, yet also enjoy playing by yourself.

You are grasping shapes.  You can identify a circle, triangle and star.

You ask to watch soccer. (Enough said)

This short note (and really this entire blog) serves a couple purposes.  One, when you are no longer 18mos, but a trying 18 year old, I can look back and remember the little milestones that made every day with you amazing - as a reminder to myself to never take you for granted and embrace you for who you are. 

Two, when you find yourself wondering (and trust me despite our best efforts, it will happen often) why we are are so worried, or overly encouraging, or protective, or any other one of a litany of offenses I'm sure, like all parents, we will commit, you can read this and get a small glimpse at who you are through our eyes.  No matter how old you get I have no doubt I will always see you as my little boy.

I love you bunches!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I heart WATER!

Ayden's water obsession hasn't wavered a bit....

 This shot just makes me GRIN from cheek to cheek ;)

Though this post was about water obsession...I can't help but notice as I upload pictures that there are also balls in I guess it goes with out say that that too has not wavered.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Rice Krispie Treats & Sugar Highs!

I have been on travel for a week now missing my little man dearly.  Today Lynnea and Susan sent this little pick-me-up my way and I think I stared at it for an hour in complete amazement that this little boy was MINE....(then passed it around to my coworkers to show it off)!!

I think it is safe to say he likes rice krispie treats =)

And later this evening, while video conferencing, Ayden went crazy toddler on Gram-E's papers - so I think it is also safe to say Ayden had a lot of sugar today!  Thank goodness for patient Gram-Es!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

It's Official!

We've seen it with our own eyes!!  There is an adorable little baby residing in my every growing belly. [They say everything happens faster with the second...I can certainly attest!!] 

I have to say, for me, this sonogram experience was far more emotional that our first with Ayden.  When we saw Ayden on the screen it was amazing.....overwhelming....fascinating....and aww inspiring.  However, monday, when we saw the new baby, it was all of the above and more.  This time, we weren't just guessing how amazing this little bundle will be and how much impact their birth/life will be on ours, we KNEW.  We knew the depth to which love can go.  The effect a smile, a look, a voice, and the touch of their baby soft skin will have each and every time.  The pride, the anxiety, the humbleness, the fun and the laughter this bundle will bring us. 

I was speechless.

Then as if to say..'snap out of it momma!', the little bundle did the shimmy for us!  J and I knew then this was definitely Ayden's sibling =)

As I drove home from our first Dr. apt I was overwhelmed with emotion. My thoughts went to Ayden and to the lifelong joy he doesn't know is coming.  Yes, there will certainly be trying times between the siblings as there are with any, but hopefully as they grow they will grow together and form a lifelong friendship built on a lifetime of shared experiences, ups and downs, fights and conspiring (J and I can't wait for that inevitable sibling bonding), and overall love and respect

I think of my brother, and how I couldn't be more thankful that I have (and had) him as a brother and now a best friend; how our families are growing together (gosh - soon to be FOUR cousins!); the many many years of memories to come; what my life as a little sister taught me; and how much I learned about relationships from my own with my brother.  He is a role model, an inspiration, and (those who know him can attest) a shear genius.  But most of all he is just my big bro who tickled me until I couldn't breath, played 'touched you last' until I thought my head would burst with frustration, and who protected me even though I was a a very annoying little sister; my big bro who I will forever look up to, admire and aspire to be like.

I pray someday Ayden and the new bundle will look back with the same fondness and gratitude that they had each other as siblings.

[Oh, and by the way....yes, there is ONLY ONE in there =)]

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Eric's Graduation and Bday Party

Yes, this is WAAAY overdue, but here it is at last!! 

A few weeks ago the Dolls hosted a wonderful pool/BBQ party for Eric's Graduation and B-day.  It was a a blast....and FILLED with kiddos!!  I swear every time we all get together like this it appears the number of kids has exponentially increased!! My pictures don't do justice, but here are a few of the growing pack.

Ayden and J were one of the first to hop in the water....go figure!

Ayden has this crazy obsession with the chlorine dispenser...
don't worry....despite this picture, we don't actually let him play with it!

The boys were shortly joined by some of Ayden's leading ladies ;)
Here we have the adorable Ms. Taylor in her Itsy Bisty Teeny Weeny Pink Polka-dot Bikini.  Every since the first meeting of these two, Ayden has been taken with her.  He loves to be around her, play with her and share toys with her.  (Kevin's already keeping a close eye on Ayden =)) 
 Look at this face...can you blame him???
And here we have Ms. Sophia...another little water bug!

 I'm not quite sure yet if this kid likes the water....what do you think?

 Learning the back stroke with momma...
 Big boy Caleb enjoying the rays

 The man of the hour!! (and the chef)
 In true Doll fashion, there was tons of delicious food (excellent for us pregos!) and lots of catching up and laughter

 This is Ms. Shyla, another of Ayden's favorite ladies.  Shyla and Ayden are only a couple months apart and both have a very vibrant, adventurous spirit. Let me tell you....this girl has NO FEAR!!! 
I see a lot of mischief in their future...

 Mr. and Mrs. Lucas
We had a beautiful time with friends relaxing by the pool and eating....lots of eating....(or maybe that was just me).....either way, we are so thankful to be surrounded by so much love and caring.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Anybody home?

It is has been a while since I've sat down in front of my blogger dashboard. I've missed catching up on all my favorite blogs as well as writting my own.

Where have I been you ask??

In the black hole of the pregnancy universe.  As I shared in my last post [ages ago], I have not felt the best this time around. But beyond the physical illness, I've been more loopy, emotional and just plain 'out of it' than ever before; certainly not my typical optimistic, happy self.

I am nine weeks pregnant today and have a little baby the size of a grape growing rapidly inside me. I am in 'aww' at the insane impact my little grape is having on my mental and physical well being.  I remember feeling this amazement with Ayden, but the effects are so different this time, I find myself right back in that first-timer state of 'aww'.....what does the next day hold in my unfolding pregnancy sage???

Since blogging is an outlet for me [and lets face it, Ayden gives me the best material in the world to work with], I hope what the next days hold is a lot of blogging catch up.

Stay tuned!