This post is terribly over due, but worth the wait...
This summer, my mother-in-law Corinne, made her third annual trip out for the month of July. She is a teacher in NY so she has the awesome perk of summers off. Since Ayden was born, she has taken advantage of that to come to Tucson to spend a month hanging out with our family and Jenna. This year her visit was enhanced by the addition of our little red head =)
Grandma C’s visit is very special for the kids and us as it is unique in many ways. First, it is for an extended period of time. You might be thinking, ‘wow….4 weeks with my mother-in-law (or any visitor for that matter)….now way!” But what we have learned is that in fact, the length of the trip is what makes it so nice. There is no urgency to see and do everything in one day or weekend. People aren’t flocking to the door to get some face time. In fact, (and admittedly it has taken three years for us all to find this equilibrium), it is rather laid back.
Secondly, Corinne does not stay with us for 4 weeks; it is not 4 weeks of a house-guest; it is as though she lives in Tucson. She comes over for dinner some nights; she takes one or both of the kids out some days for activities; she blends in with our everyday crazy packed lives. Please do not take this to mean that her presence is not special, because it is….it truly is. I personally look forward to the talks we have, the laughter we share and the chance to share our everyday life (that we LOVE) with her, so she doesn’t feel so far away.
But most of all, I enjoy watching the time she spends with the kids. Call me simple, but to me there is nothing more quality than spending a typical day with the kids. Special activities/trips/etc are fantastic, but in the end, what maters most, is reading them a book, telling them stories, cuddling up with a movie, building a tower, eating/feeding meals, bathing, and tucking them in at night. These are the moments that they remember. These are the moments that mean the most. These are the moments that are most filled with genuine love. And because Corinne is here so long, these are the moments my kids have to share with their Grandma C.
Lastly, as is evident from above and really a result of it, Corinne does not smother the kids or us. She is not with us 24/7. She is not constantly trying to have ‘quality time’ with the kids or force the creation of ‘life long memories’. She is realistic. She gives and understands the family needs its space to be a family
This plan has worked wonderfully for J and I in keeping our lives manageable, expectations reasonable, and stress levels down and we are very thankful to Corinne for being flexible. But, more importantly, because J and I are not crazed by the visit [and don’t tell me you don’t know exactly what I mean, no matter who you have visiting…your lives are in a constant state of hosting, entertaining, concern for their enjoyment, plus everything else that goes into your everyday life], the time we spend with her and the time the KIDS spend with her is pleasant, peaceful and genuine.
It is not easy to step into the lives of others and be able to go with the flow. When you visit anyone for an extended period of time, chances are they are not on vacation as well; they are tied up in their everyday routine, stresses, and schedule. Corinne has been wonderful at doing just this. More so, she has been more than open to understanding how she can help and how she can get the most from her time with the kids and us.
I think the catalyst for this post is two fold:
1 – I am often asked how this works for us….does it work for us….why it works for us...
2- I don’t know that I (we) express our thanks and gratitude to Corinne enough.
We were sad to see her leave. After 4 weeks you already grow to expect that she will be around. Ayden would ask about whether Grandma C was coming over. She had become a staple in Ayden’s everyday life and for this reason his relationship with her is deeper than would be expected of a grandparent that lives 3000 miles away……and that is just simply very cool.
I realize that Corinne’s job is what allows her to make these visits and that most people do not have this luxury, but it is not that that we are thankful for…… it is the fact that she chooses to take a month of her time off and come spend it in little old Tucson (at the most terrible time of year) with her grand-kids (and dealing with her daughter-in-law!). It is this choice that says a lot about her, what is important to her, and makes her a wonderful Grandmother.
Just another reason why my family is the luckiest family in the world [in my oh-so-humble little opinion!]!!
** For those scrolling through the heart-filled babble to reach the pictures….you’ve reached the end of the line….but have no fear, the next post will have pictures from Corinne and Joe’s visit.
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