Saturday, November 5, 2011

G is for....

well, G is for a lot of things these days...


But most notably, and perhaps most unexpectedly, G stands for in green diapering.

This past week we fully transitioned Gavin (and ourselves) into gdiapers (check them out at gdiapers)....and.....I...LOVE....THEM.

The birth of Gavin has transformed me in many many ways, some  I am still discovering, and one day I hope to find the time to actually document them.  

Since his birth I have had this thought about trying cloth diapers. I had a predisposition to think that unless I was a stay at home parent, it would be way too time consuming to do cloth. Well, I was wrong. These gdiapers are beyond easy and super super cute! Though I wasn't necessarily looking to try and save the world by using them, when I began to read about disposable diapers and the fact that they take up to 500yrs to biodegrade, and that about 50 million are thrown away A DAY!!! I did find it a bit more intriguing to try.

Best of all....I don't have to buy any more diapers! (even for the next little one)! I don't have to worry about them running out and not having ordered a new shipment yet. Nope, I have everything I need right here at home. Should we be getting low, I just turn on washing machine....add some clothes while I'm at it and BAM....clean (no chemical, no plastic) diapers for days (and clean clothes) =)

I'd encourage any of you moms who have thought about it to try it. Coming from probably the last person you thought....they are awesome and great for your baby...and yes, they are good for the environment too =)

[I promise to take a picture of Gavin in his tomorrow....they are adorable]



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