Thursday, June 21, 2012

Love and Support (Part 1)

As you know, the big event is coming....SOON!

Where did the time go?? yet another humbling act of support, Jeremy had these bracelets made for friends and family to wear in support.

As you can see in the pictures below, one side says "I'm Cheering for Tessa" and the other side says "Ironman CDA 06.24.12". I thought it was such a cute idea, but I didn't realize how much of an impact they would have on my emotions and motivation! It has now been a few weeks and all around me I see the orange, family, friends. What is most impactful is when I'm in the middle of a completely unrelated conversation and the orange catches my eye peaking out from under a shirt sleeve or during a hand motion of the speaker. It hits me every time like a wrecking am I about to attempt? How did I get so blessed to have such spectacular supporters in all facets of my life??? And of course, in true Tessa fashion, my heart gets stuck in my throat as I hold back some joyful, appreciative tears.

[Speaking of tears...there have been many tears lately....not bad, but many. More on this in a later post.]

But back to my husband and my support team. These bands were an awesome idea and while at first I was embarrassed (and admittedly sometimes still am), I found that people were actually upset with me if I didn't offer them one. This was both baffling, humbling and more....much much more, but whether due to a lack in my vocabulary or simply a deficit in the english language for deep, honest, raw emotional expressions, I still don't have the words to portray my feelings of gratitude and aww. [You might think this sounds overly emotional for folks wanting to wear bracelets (though I vehemently disagree), but what you will read in the coming posts, is that this was merely the tip of the support iceberg].

Leading the 'Support Tessa Team' are my hubby and mother. Where did they come from??? They have unquestionably supported me through any crazy adventure I have decided to pursue to date, but this takes the cake. Without hesitation J and Mom has been patient with my emotional ups and downs through the training; patient with their lion's share of kid duties; patient with my doubts; patient with my over excitement; tight lipped about any of their doubts, frustrations, and exhaustion. I know they are as excited as me for this weekend and for good reason. They have lived and breathed this training adventure and moreover, they have done the heavy lifting to allow me to pursue this conquest to the best of my abilities with minimal to no barriers. I look at the past 6 plus months as their training for Sunday's spectating extravaganza. Though J touts himself and as a 'professional spectator' (and truth be told he is darn spectacular), but from experience, nothing comes close to an Ironman spectator....I can't wait to hear their experience and take on the day and the atmosphere. It is going to require some cowbell-ringing-endurance and certainly some patience.....hence, the training.....I know it will serve them well - haha :)

There is another member of the 'team' that often goes unrecognized.....our very own Ms. Sarah. To accommodate my early (early) morning training schedule, Sarah has extended her days with us (and the kiddos) to help out in the early morning. She has more than often stayed late to cover (often without notice - sorry about that!!!!) when J and I simply can't shove everything we need to do at work in, in time to be home to let her off. She never complains. She contracts every illness our kids bring home [Note - Sarah and I apparently both have terrible immune systems] and always does so with a smile and chuckle. She has listened to many of my training or work trials and tribulations and last but most important of all, she takes world-class care of the two most precious things in my life. To top it off, Sarah is traveling with the family to Ironman to help with the kids throughout race day. She is not a flier, but is taking it in stride [I have this vision on her clinging on to Ayden during take-off and landing that makes me chuckle (is that terrible of me??!?)]. It goes without saying that we love her; it goes unsaid too much that we appreciate her. She is part of the glue that holds us all together and she is part of the family. It is only fitting that she be here too :)


Kendra Forgacs said...

Great post and great luck girlie! Love you!

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