Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Sunday Dinners at Lucas'

The past couple months we have begin (really more re-invigorated) a new tradition.  You see, years ago when Jeremy and I first arrived here in the Old Pueblo, we used to attend thursday night dinners at the Lucas' (aka Tata and Tonton). These dinners were the highlight of the week. Our dear friend Hillary would join us and when Eric joined the picture (and moved to Tucson) he too joined. We had some amazing nights with good talks and deep laughs...oh, and lots of games.

Then, things got more complicated. We had our first child, jobs and travel became busier and busier. Soon, Jeremy and I were not making any of the dinners and eventually I think they stopped occurring all together. It was sad because it was such a special time we all shared, but, also just a reality of life.

Well....now that we have two kids, have moved three minutes away from the Lucas', and life is more under control, we have again begun our dinner tradition again. Now we go on Sundays. It is a very pleasant end to wonderful family-time-filled weekends and a great start to the next work week. 

I for one just LOVE these dinners; there are so many reasons why, but I'll point out a few biggies. 

For one, it is not often that families are close enough that kids are able to develop strong relationships and memories with their great aunts and uncles. Two, I have always had a special relationship with Tata and Tonton and especially their son Scottie, so to be able to continue to develop that as an adult and to provide my own kids the opportunity is simply wonderful.

It makes me laugh to think about, but Ayden has grown quite fond of Tonton and basically spends the entire time talking his ear off; asking questions; telling stories or "jokes"; and sharing this and that. Both boys have also grown quite fond of Tata and especially her games and toys. She is fabulous with the quirky game ideas and the boys just eat it up.

Last Sunday Mimi and Tata went fishing with the boys in the spa. Observing this interaction makes my heart jump out of my chest. How fortunate and blessed are we to have the wonderful family we do, and for the enrichment and joy they bring to my boys....


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