Wednesday, February 6, 2013

"Snakes: Diamondbacks and Rattler" by Ayden William Riley

So apparently as Ayden turned 4 (yesterday) a switch flipped and he starting writing. Not simply his name and some other common words which he has been doing for some time now, no, he is now writing his (famous!) books himself!!

Tonight, he started his third book, "Snake: Diamondback and Rattler". He is writing with a combination of Daddy spelling big words and Ayden sounding out some of the smaller ones. He (apparently) knows how to write all his letters [I suspect a Ms. Sarah influence] without being shown. The story, as always, is Ayden's creation, and now both the letters themselves and the illustrations are his as well. [Can you tell I might be a little proud of my little man??] While writing tonight, he took a pause to "think about how it goes," then said "AHA!" and went back to his drafting. 

Since you are his most dedicated fans, he graciously allowed me to share the first couple pages of his next story....

[Note the title page and dedication to "Daddy". And incase clarification is needed, the illustrations are snakes with red tongues and rattles]

Page 1: The Rattler got the Diamondback.
Page 2: Another diamondback came. This time he got the rattler.

Sorry for the cliff hanger but you will have to wait until the masterpiece is complete.


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