Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Piece of Heaven

Since I can remember I have loved to swing (especially at night). The fluid back and forth motion; the split second where you feel you could simply fly right off and into the night air; the feeling of weightlessness both physically and mentally; and the exhilaration of the wind hitting your face as you soar higher and higher.

As a child, we had two swings on our patio. We spent endless hours swinging, singing songs (Felice Navidad in honor of our crazy dog Felice)and attempting all things dangerous to do on a swing.
Swings were where I went in high-school and college to be alone and think; where the world swung into perspective. When asked as a school assignment to design my dream house, it included a swing room with a retractable glass dome so I may enjoy the swings day or night, rain or shine.

Yesterday, I experienced a piece of heaven; a moment I could live in forever.  Swinging has always been a solo gig for me. Don't get me wrong, others were welcome and sometimes joined, but the true therapeutic experience came only when swinging alone into the dark star-lit sky.

Things change.

Yesterday, I shared my experience with Ayden. For the first time, Ayden opted to sit on my lap and swing rather than in the baby swing. And swing we did.  We swung bath and forth, back and forth. He didn't hold on, he just laid back with the top of his beautiful little (I guess that is debatable - 90th percentile!) head fitting perfectly under my chin, pointing out all the sites. Twice I made the mistake of thinking we were finished with the swinging...twice I was corrected. Ayden has the swing gene!

So together we soared, fast and high, touching the sky.

And I found another piece of heaven in my sweet 15mos little boy.


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