Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Gavin Is Abducted.....

by his brother!

What this movie doesn't show is that in fact Ayden dragged Gavin across the entire great room floor, Gavin's face just beaming with delight. By the time we got the camera out, the boys were halfway through the kitchen on their way to the workroom.

I'm not sure what impresses me most about this video...

a) Ayden had the strength to pull Gavin (no light load) this whole way (including some carpet);
b) Gavin didn't flip out sooner that he was being dragged around the house;
c) Gavin was able to take my phone with him the whole way; or,
d) that this didn't end badly for anyone involved (including J who was trying to film and search for lights at the same time)


Alli Krewson said...

This is awesome! It's so fun that they have each other :)

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