Last Friday, Gavin woke up feeling very under-the-weather. Like a good daddy, J took him to the doctor to learn that he had early stage pneumonia. No fun.
Little did we know that was merely the tip of the iceberg. During the day on Friday Gavin developed this little spot on his leg that looked like a bug bite. Over night, that little 'bite' transformed into full on hand, foot and mouth disease. Oh, but we couldn't just get the normal run of the mill, we got the special new strand of it where the 'little rash' is actually full on boils and pustules all over the limbs, hands, feet and mouth. [Gavin looked so terrible I couldn't even bring myself to take a picture to document.]
On top of that, we were fighting (and loosing) a fever battle. After a few long days and nights, we thought we had it in the bag when Gavin went down nicely on Sunday and we were able to sit down on the couch and put our feet up......for about 1 min, when Ayden turned to us and said "I don't feel well...". We took his temp and sure enough 102.5. It only got better from there. A little vomit, some cold showers and frozen corn to try and break the increasing fever.
Gavin woke up Monday on the (slow) mend. Ayden on the other hand woke up with 103 fever, glossy eyes, and moaning. We noticed very subtle indications of a rash forming as well. Well, you know where that's going.... the next day Ayden had it all over. The boys seriously looked like they had leprosy. After a few days (and long nights), their moods got better, but here we are, 9 days out from the start and both are still covered in spots - lighter spots - but still spotted..... And the family as a whole??......well, we are suffering from some SERIOUS cabin fever. The only way to leave the house is for one person to stay home with the kids. And on our long weekend with lots of friend activities planned to less :(
The worst part is, that despite the kids feeling much better, they still look terrible and are possibly still contagious, so, we have now missed three of our friend's kid's birthday parties, and a memorial day BBQ =( Booooo. The kids need the change of scenery and company as much as the adults need some friend time!
Anyway, enough whining. The boys took on the virus like champs. Sarah took on the boys like a pro. J and I took turns on the night shift. And Mimi took on the sleep deprived grumpy grumblings of J and I and helped with the kids.
So, that is the week wrap up. Many of you have been checking in on the boys throughout the week. Thank you for the concern and for thinking about us =) The support, even if just a text here and there, really makes a difference!
This was a busy week and we (I) didn't do enough to acknowledge some important events of our friends' lives. Happy 3rd birthday to Shyla and Leah!! Happy 1st birthday to Brynn!! And happy anniversary to our dear friends: Candice and Kevin (6yrs); Vanessa and David (7yrs); Jamie and Kerry (2yrs); Alexia and Andy (5yrs) and Hillary and Eric (4yrs). [memorial day weekend (or around there) is apparently a very popular time to get married!!]
We love you all and hopefully once our family is out of quarantine, we can get together and celebrate!!!!
Last but not least - some pictures of our memorial day morning =)