Thursday, February 18, 2010



Looks like I may have jinxed us.

I've been telling Ayden for months that he needed more teeth to keep up with his appetite. He sprouted four quickly at 6mos and we have had NO action since.

I guess I forgot to mention in my heckling that when they do sprout it would be nice if it was spread out. 


So, here we are, going on two weeks of runny noses, mucusy coughs, fevers, binkies, blankies, lots of cuddling and more drool than victoria falls. The little man is taking it like a champ, but looking into those waterly red eyes, knowing he is hurting, and feeling helpless just plain stinks  =(

Needless to say, Ayden is growing 4 new we speak. Pics of the new grin to come!


Vivi DiLopes Adams said...

I wish Ian had the appetite you are talking about!

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