Monday, February 22, 2010

The Weary Traveller

Yes, I travel.

A lot. And to far places...
I know....Glamorous!               or is it??

I was a kid who traveled all over the world. What an opportunity. What an experience.
Then, I  was a professional who traveled all over the world (mostly) for work. Again, what an opportunity, what an experience.
Now, I am a professional and mother who travels all over the world (mostly) for work. What a difference a kid makes!

Don't get me wrong, it is still a great experience and opportunity, but I am young, I have many more years to see the world, and more importantly, to take my family WITH ME!!

In fact, I am writing from the Etihad lounge in the Frankfurt Airport. It is 2am Tucson time and I have yet to sleep. I have a 4hr layover before another 6hr flight to Abu Dhabi. My head throbs, yearning for some zzzs and proper hydration. I've just looked at my calendar and realized that I will have been home for two full work weeks from the beginning of Jan through March 8th. Hum...

Funny thing is, I changed my job after having Ayden so that I would be domestic based. Yet, here I am sitting in a faux leather chair, watching BBC, surrounded by middle aged business men, contemplating whether to jump in the shower before my next flight.

The fact of the matter is I will be in the air as long, as I am on the ground. I should admit that it is my own fault as I pushed my flight back to be sure I had the most possible time home with just enough time in country to do what I have to do.

[Jumping on plane - To be continued....]

Apparently blogging is more important to me than personal hygiene as I never did take that shower before running to the next flight.

But, back to the complaining...
Despite my efforts, the trip is still too long. And as luck would have it, my loaner pool laptop went ca-putz the first morning I was here. So my saving grace of video chats is ruined. Thus, here I am unable to sleep, on the public computer, blogging...

My wonderful husband (thank you thank you thank you!!!) does a great job of keeping me in the loop while I am gone. He sends pictures to my phone then gives an email wrap up of Ayden's day. It is debatable whether this actually helps me or not, as I feel some serious guilt and sadness about not being there with them, but in the end it brightens my day and makes me laugh out loud to see my crazy cute kid enjoying life.

Traveling is a lonely task. But I thank my lucky stars I have this to come home to.
Stay tuned because J also made some great videos while I was gone, I just can't post them from here!


Unknown said...

But you're doing it! And you're awesome at it! And you have an awesome husband to make it all work! I have no idea how, but somehow we'll all get through it and we'll look back in 20 years and be amazed at ourselves! Love you!

Unknown said...

he looks so cute in the jacket :) :) :)

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