Friday, January 22, 2010

Hello, Anybody There?

For all 2 of my readers ;) who may be wondering what happened to my blogging inspiration this past week, I write to inform you that I have been home in Tucson for a total of 24 hours =( Thus, no adorable Ayden time to speak of.  However! the future is looking brighter. Though I am still stuck in Vegas until Sunday, J and Ayden will be joining me in about 4 hours. I am beaming with anticipation.

Truth is they were slated to come last night, but thanks to mother nature who decided to pay attention to her parched SW corner of the US, their flight was canceled. I was practically in tears. I found myself alone, suffering from a nice case of bronchitis (aka hacking up a lung), attending a mind-numbing class (who all very much appreciated the hacking), and staying in a crappy old Vegas hotel room (boo Luxor). GAH!! Their arrival was the only light I had!

But, thanks to a trip to the Minute Clinic, (can you believe they have one on the strip), where I got some drugs, a call down to the Hilton (who actually have a real mattress and pillows!!), and the rescheduling of the family's flight, things are looking up!!

I promise there is more to come.

(If you couldn't tell, I am very much enjoying this blogging adventure - thank you for taking it with me!)


Unknown said...

Look what happens when I don't talk to you for more than a week...oh my goodness! Come home, I miss you!

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